Friday 2 October 2015

The Latest Trends in Information Technology to know about

When it comes to the Latest Trends in Information Technology, the data has become the king while the social media has evolved to be the source of the business intelligence and of the cloud computing which can finally deliver on the role of the IT as the driver behind the business growth.


With the New Year, the mobility has evolved, the hybrid cloud has grown and the big data needed to get more skilled people. These products used on this level are not new in the market and they are given a long lead time for the mass corporate adoption of the practices of the new technology.

New Trends in Information Technology

The new trend is about cloud adoption with the growth in the hybrid cloud. The IT services started to move their IT services to a third party. However, the security continues to be the cause of concern for many people as there are many reports about how the data breaches take place, however, the service availability and integration had raised to be two areas of concerns for the enterprise of the cloud adoption. The hybrid cloud which is defined by the combination of the community, public and private services had raised in the popularity and the companies are looking on how they can be the benefits from the private-public cloud like the cloud cost savings for the external and internal governance requirements. 

From the point view of the company, the companies are expected to continue looking for other companies that have the capacity of managing the suppliers with the cloud service delivery of the technology on its own. 

Increased automation:  there is nothing new that people cost more. In this case, the people who operate the corporate data centers and who are in charge of its service, they continue to be the big portion of the total IT costs. There is an increased use of the cloud services that it is used in reducing the costs of the people and there is a requirement to reduce how many human touch points are available together with the associated costs in the corporate data center or in the operational environment with faster delivery and few human errors that will become the benefits.  Many companies are under the pressure of automating everything they do in order to reduce the costs of the business while showing the business value. 

The BYO epiphany with the mobile pervasiveness: this is the place where the corporate IT organization can finally wake up to know about the shadow IT or the BYO anything which is not being driven by the consumer IT and by cloud service providers, however the IT organizations are not able of meeting the stakeholders with the user expectation around the agility, services and usability cost. 

In the past 10 years, there is the consumerization of the IT put a focus on the consumer gadget and this leads to a red herring but it hides the root cause behind the customer discontent with the existing IT supply. With the epiphany and the corporate IT organization, it will need to change faster and placing the emphasis on the way that the IT is being consumed and expectation of the users of the services. There is also an improvement of the demands for any device, anywhere and anytime.  These needs the user to get the data services that can access better mobile apps and it is possible that people will continue to use the personal devices for the purpose of their work. 

This will require the need of better service with better app design that offers more intelligent approach with better delivery service but there is also the need of the reconsidering the security implication of the mobility like data segregation issues with business and personal data with the application isolated from one another on one device. 

The users have the need of managing complex IT supplier environment.  This takes place when the enterprise exists the outsourcing deals which had failed in delivering on their expectation of the service cost saving, improvements, and innovation. The need for the service integration ability are often known as service integration and management or they are called multi-sourcing services integration and they come to the fore during the Latest Trends in Information Technology. 
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