Sunday 17 April 2016

Choose Best Catchy, Creative Blog Names For Innovative Writers

Choosing a blog name is the first thing every blogger should do carefully because it is an important thing that reflects on your blog growth in future. You might be a good writer or hard worker, this won't help you to grow your blog, because it totally depends on how your blog is impressing each user. We should not allow the users to leave the blog without finding anything useful. Other than that catchy and creative blog names are the most important thing that impresses the readers and make them remember our blog and come again.

Every user will notice the domain name when they get inside to our blog, if that is impressive then it will register in their minds permanently and it will reflect the personality of your entire blog. So every innovative writer should give importance to choosing best creative blog names before they start their blogging journey.

Then the title of the blog and the domain name have to be same because Google will give a positive response to that kind of blogs. You can differentiate choosing blog names as three types,


1. Choose Your Name as Domain Name

Getting Backlinks using your name will be easy because when you comment on other blogs you will give your name and website link. So it will be a better choice to make your blog to rank higher by generating more backlinks.

2.  Choose a Specific keyword as a Domain Name

This type will be for niche blog writers. Choose the domain name according to the particular niche keyword you are using on your blog to rank high on search engines.

3. Choose a short and Catchy Blog Name

If you want to express your blog's personality to the users, then these kinds of domains will be a better option for you. Choose a perfect one-word domain which looks impressive and promotes it as a brand.

Some Tips for Catchy and Creative Blog name Surfers

You can generate and choose creative blog names using the following sites,

1. Visual Thesaurus
2. Lean Domain Search
4. Name Boy

Read: Increase Domain Authority
Use these sites to generate your creative and desired blog name easily. If you are choosing a particular keyword as a domain name, then you have to do research and find a low competitive keyword which will helpful for blog's growth. Try to avoid choosing domain names with hyphens. These are the basic steps you have to follow for choosing best creative blog names.
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